2017 resolution
noun: *resolution*; plural noun: *resolutions*
1. *1*.
a firm decision to do or not to do something.
Apostate (Fin) - Flight Of The Halcyon (1999)
Genre: (Melodic) Death Metal
Country: Finland
Year: 1999
1. Bewitched by thy Flame
2. Hunger for Blood
3. Flight of the Halcyon
4. Pakkasukko
De entre holocaustos y pasiones Raúl Greñas regresa del infierno y trae de
vuelta a LUZBEL
Así es señoras y señores, el regreso de LUZBEL es un hecho. H...
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The internet is a buzz with the sad news of Bob Johnston's death. Sucks it
would take this horrible occasion to light a fire under my ass to get you
the ...
*The contributors of this blog for now, will NOT post anymore music
entries, so please STOP asking **for re-upload the dead links, Thanks.*
Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind
Full-length, Roadrunner
March 23rd, 1993
Due to the amount of amazing death metal released in the late 80's and ...
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